
  我司销售:水洗莲藕、真空莲藕、粉葛、马蹄、塘菇、栗子、新鲜百合、山药、冬瓜、芋头、荔枝等新鲜蔬果。产品远销新加坡、马来西亚、美国、加拿大等国家、本单位,隶属于广州星瑜鲜蔬果贸易有限公司,是一家集生、,加工、贮藏、配送为一体的绿色食品企业。我司经海关、商检备案,拥有进出口贸易资质,食品经营许可。拥有高标准,现代化的厂房面积2000多平方米 ,冷库面积300多平方米,种植基地1000多亩。工厂***远瞩,积极引进国际先进的管理技术和生产设备,并培养出一批高素质的员工队伍,为商品的高品质提供有力保障。 我司生产的是驰名中外的“新垦莲藕“。“新垦莲藕”驰名中外,因出产于广州市南沙区万顷沙镇新垦地区而得名。1999年获得国家农业部的绿色食品,是广州市农业品牌之一。由于新垦位于珠江入海口围垦地区,泥层肥厚,水源丰富,环境净洁,气候适宜,所产莲藕品质优良,风味独特:夏季采收的莲藕嫩白爽脆,味道甘甜清香;秋冬季节所收获的莲藕肥大丰满,味道松粉、藕香浓郁。2009年,经国家质检总局审核,决定对“新垦莲藕”实施地理标志产品保护。中文名新垦莲藕产地广州市南沙区万顷沙镇新垦地区地位广州市农业品牌之一口感味道松粉、藕香浓郁。Our sales: water lotus, lotus root, kudzu, vacuum water chestnut, chestnut, mushroom, fresh pond lily, yam, white gourd, taro, litchi and other fresh Vegetable & Fruit、 The products are sold to countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, the United States, Canada and other countries、Guangzhou Nansha District Hui'an Fengguo vegetable processing factory, which belongs to Guangzhou Xing Yu fresh fruit and vegetable trading Co、, Ltd、, is a green food enterprise integrating production, processing, storage and distribution、 We have been put on record by customs and commodity inspection, and have the qualification of import and export trade and the license of food management、 It has high standard, the area of modern factory building is more than 2000 square meters, the area of cold storage is more than 300 square meters, and the planting base is more than 1000 mu、 The factory takes a long view and actively introduces international advanced management technology and production equipment, and trains a group of highly qualified workforce to provide strong guarantee for the high quality of products、 Our production is the famous "new ken lotus"、 "New ken Lotus" well-known, so named because produced in Guangzhou Nansha District wanqinsha town Xinken area、 The green food from the Ministry of agriculture in 1999 was one of the ten major agricultural brands in Guangzhou、 Ken is located in the Pearl River Estuary as the new reclamation area, mud layer hypertrophy, abundant water, clean environment, suitable climate, lotus produced excellent quality, unique flavor and crisp summer harvest: lotus root, sweet taste fragrance; lotus root hypertrophy in autumn and winter harvest, flavor powder, fragrant lotus daosong、 In 2009, it was approved by the State Administration of quality inspection and decided to protect the "new lotus root lotus root"、 Newly cultivated lotus root in Guangzhou City, Guangzhou City, Nansha District, Wan Sha town, new reclamation area status, Guangzhou City, one of the major agricultural brands of one of the taste of loose taste, lotus root fragrant rich、












