
  领航酒业成立于2009年,由三位热爱葡萄酒的国际人士创建。是一家专营法国葡萄酒的专业进口批发商,也是西南为数不多的直接进口,直接分销法国列级庄酒进口商,目前库存法国列级庄酒12000瓶。公司在成都保税区和法国巴黎设计专业葡萄酒仓库。业务覆盖北京、山东、上海、湖南、陕西、新疆、云南、新疆等省市服务了超过200家专业客户。集团公司在法国波尔多收购了Chateau Crabitan- Bellevue 卡比丹美景酒庄25%的股份,并包销该酒庄旗下所有的产品我们在葡萄酒行业已经积累了超过10年的丰富经验。在创立之初,便确立了以下三个目标:质 量 我们和国内外一流可靠的进出口商合作,为大家挑选了一些可能不太容易在普通分销渠道找到的葡萄酒。这些葡萄酒不仅包括大家耳熟能详的名庄酒,而且还包括一些您可能不太熟悉的1855列级庄的产品。它们都是我们爱不释手的产品,因此,精心的挑选让我们信心满满。价 值 我们靠精选的产品和专业的服务赢得声誉,不追求所谓“暴利”。葡萄酒世界不乏高性价比的产品,我们知道它们在哪儿。当您下订单的时候,将会时间得到我们葡萄酒专家的建议,我们能够专注于您的每一个个性需求的细节,并理解这种专注的可贵。关 系 关系是我们事业的核心和基本点,它意味着我们将您的需求永远放在位。我们希望能够一如既往的保持这种多年建立起来的良好关系,更好满足您对于葡萄酒本身或者活动安排的需求。我们就是为满足您精彩人生时刻,需要精选葡萄酒的需求而存在的。我们的产品组合:领航精选系列;名酒系列;名庄名酒系列。三大系列均由我们法国的葡萄酒专家亲自选购。领航精选系列:具备较高的性价比,能用相对实惠的价格,品味地道的法国葡萄酒魅力。名酒系列:是根据我们多年市场从业经验,精选出来的能被市场广大消费者所熟知认可的产品。正因为如此,我们认为有必要将这些产品介绍给广大的顾客和朋友。名庄名酒系列:是那些在葡萄酒历史上赫赫有名的产品,她们不仅仅是品,更代表一段历史和文化。我们严格按照1855分级制度来挑选这一系列的产品。Pioneer Wine has been established in 2008,was created by 3 super wine lovers, with a combined experience of about 10 years in the China wine industry、 In venturing out on our own, we want to run our business with the following key goals in mind: QUALITYWe‘re working with reliable importers or top dealers in French to source fine wines that you probably would not be so easy to find on every other retail shelf、 In addition to the classic fine wine, Pioneer Wine will offer an ever-changing selection of fine wines of 1855 classification that you may not know so well、 And we stand by our choices because these are the wines that we enjoy drinking ourselves! VALUE We‘re staking our reputation on our selection &; service, not our mark-ups、 The wine market is filled with gorgeous wines at accessible prices and we know where to find them、 When you order, you‘ll be receiving the professional advice of experts who understand that attentions to the details of your individual needs are priceless、 RELATIONSHIPS This is the culmination of our shared dream of working together and running a wine business the way we‘ve always wanted to、 That means placing the needs of valued customers like you first、 We look forward to continuing the relationships that we‘ve established throughout the years and to fulfilling your wine and party needs、 We‘re here to cater to the special moments in life that call for a perfectly matched bottle of wine、Hereby, we are introducing our product portfolio: Pioneer Wine Selection Series, Popular Wine Series, Fine Wine Series、 Pioneer Wine Selection Series are wines, selected by our wine professionals in French, which have high ratio between quality and price、 As we told above we are confident with our selection because we do love and enjoy these wines、 Popular Wine Series are wines, selected according to our experience in wine market, which are well accepted by most of wine consumers、 As such, we feel we are obliged to introduce them to our customers or friends、 Fine Wine Series are wines that has big name in wine history、 They are not only luxury products but also present a culture、 Normally most of them were selected according to 1855 Classification诚邀有志之士加入我们!(028)61689064












