
  based in hong kong where it owns and operates its hong kong and mainland china restaurants, gaia group has emerged as one of asia’s leading independent restaurant groups、总部设在香港的gaia集团如今已跃升成为亚洲领先的***餐饮集团,旗下的餐厅遍布香港和中国大陆地区。synonymous with professionalism, the group’s multicultural team of highly skilled and experienced f&;b professionals is hand picked from the hospitality and restaurant business、 together, this partnership pursues its vision of italian style and elegance, innovative chefs, authentic cuisine, quality ingredients, and cutting-edge design with a keen eye on location, and potential、作为专业的代名词,gaia集团的国际化团队都是从酒店及餐饮业精心甄选出的行业佼佼者。他们专业知识过硬,经验丰富,技艺精湛。他们以其独到的见解来诠释经典的意式风格和优雅,他们独具慧眼地聘用颇有创新意识的大厨,他们为食客奉上地道的美食,他们选用上乘的原料。此外,他们还善于挖掘位置、商机无限的地段,并采用前沿的设计打造出非同一般的用餐环境。gaia group’s major strengths include:extensive background in hospitality and restaurant managementinstinctive eye for location and potentialinvestment in top quality design, fittings and maintenancededication to consistent quality in all aspects of restaurant operationsinvestment in marketing and public relations to maintain cutting edge market positiongaia集团的主要优势包括:具有酒店及餐饮管理方面的深厚背景拥有发现好地段、探索大商机的眼光对高品质的设计、摆设及维护的投资追求卓越的餐厅经验理念为占据市场领先地位,加大对市场营销及公关关系的投资history历史gaia group was founded in hong kong in 2000, with its first venture being the opening of the ultra glamorous gaia restaurant in a prestigious new commercial development at 181 queens road central、2000年gaia集团成立于香港。它旗下的家餐厅选址在中环皇后大道181号。地处香港繁荣的商业地带,这家餐厅无疑成为了城中食客们争相光顾的去处。beside the italian-inspired millennium square piazza complete with its own ‘spanish steps‘ and tiered fountain, gaia - complete with its stylish al fresco dining in an environment uncannily reminiscent of rome - immediately became one of hong kong’s top italian restaurants、gaia餐厅的设计非常特别。当你来到gaia餐厅,就好像亲临千禧年广场一样。目睹着西班牙式的阶梯以及多层喷泉,你在用餐的同时会不经意地感受到来自罗马的***气息。这种不可思议的用餐体验使得gaia餐厅一跃成为香港***意大利餐厅之一。buoyed by the success of gaia, the group next turned its attention to mainland china where in october 2001 it opened va bene shanghai in the city’s fashionable xintiandi entertainment district, a themed cultural and historical locale、gaia餐厅的一举成名让集团上下大受鼓舞。2001年10月,gaia集团将目光延伸至中国大陆,在上海新天地——集文化和历史为一体的时尚新地标,开了va bene餐厅。in may 2004, the group embarked on its greatest-ever challenge ╟ opening isola bar grill at a spectacular 7,000 sq ft venue over two floors of ifc mall on hong kong’s central harbourfront、 with floor-to-ceiling windows giving panoramic views across the victoria harbour and the restaurant’s spacious outdoor terrace, isola’s fabulous location is one of very few venues in hong kong to offer waterfront al fresco dining、 the opening of isola was accompanied by the smaller, chic mediterranean restaurant cafe costa that was opened by the group as part of the ifc mall’s lane crawford flagship store、2004年5月,gaia集团突破了以往的挑战,在香港中环临海的ifc商场开了一家isola意式餐厅,占地7,000平方呎,共两层。餐厅的全景落地窗让在餐厅用餐的客人能够轻松欣赏到维多利亚港的风光,餐厅还有宽敞的户外露台区域也供客人欣赏美景。isola餐厅这样可以一边用餐一边欣赏海景的地理位置在香港也是不可多得的。伴随isola餐厅的开张,gaia集团还同时开了一家时尚的地中海餐厅café costa来作为ifc商场连卡佛旗舰店。coming full circle in 2005, gaia group absorbed lan kwai fong’s iconic italian neighbourhood trattoria va bene; the restaurant that brought pino piano to hong kong as manager in the 90’s and to which gaia group owes its roots、到了2005年,gaia集团将兰桂坊具有代表性的意大利家庭式餐馆va bene也招致麾下。这家餐馆曾在90年代聘请了pino piano来香港做餐厅经理。也正是在他的带领下,va bene才发展成为如今gaia集团旗下的又一员猛将。in 2007, with the opening of the luxury shopping and entertainment development elements across hong kong’s harbour, came the opportunity to create joia、 the upscale al fresco business-casual ristorante epitomises the group’s trademark accent on high style and great authentic italian cuisine allowing it to sit eclectically well alongside the group’s expanding restaurant portfolio、2007年,随着香港跨海区域的豪华购物及娱乐设施的建立,gaia集团创立了joia这个品牌。joia集商务与休闲于一体,代表了gaia集团向餐厅以及意大利美食靠拢的决心。with its success in mall-based restaurant operations proven, the group was approached in 2009 by one of hong kong’s most prestigious property management companies, keen to offer visitors to its flagship pacific place mall a new dining experience、 and in december 2009, the group’s 4,000sq ft modern mediterranean restaurant and bar, zelo celebrated its launch、在商场开餐厅的经营理念被数次证明是成功了之后,gaia集团于2009年受到了香港负盛名的物业管理公司的青睐,获得了在旗舰太古广场购物中心开设新店的一次机会。同年12月,4,000平方呎的现代地中海风格的餐厅和酒吧隆重开业,名为zelo。showing no signs of slowing down the pace of expansion, the group continued the expansions in china through the second restaurant set up in shanghai ╟ isola bar grill、 in september 2010 at the shanghai ifc mall, the new restaurant and bar, at over 7,000 sq ft, although posing no less of a challenge than its hong kong namesake is certainly anticipated to be every inch as spectacular、此后,集团继续在大陆扩张其经营范围,紧接着就在上海开了第二家餐厅——isola意式餐厅,进一步占领中国市场。位于上海ifc商场的这家意式餐厅于2010年9月正式开业,面积超过7,000平方呎。虽然与香港的餐厅同名或许会带来不小的挑战,但是事实证明,上海的这家isola毫不逊色,餐厅的每一处、每一个环节都堪称完美。the group further leverage their experiences in fine dining restaurant operations and had set yet another benchmark for restaurateurs、 in 2011, bene italian, the group’s first casual dining concept restaurant is opened at new town plaza in shatin, captures the essence of italy in an area of 2,734 sq ft、gaia集团不断利用其经营优质餐厅的经验,成为业界,为同行们设立了一个高标准。2011年,集团旗下家休闲餐饮概念的意大利餐厅bene italian在沙田新城市广场开业,面积2,734平方呎。这家意式餐厅为食客呈上了一道意大利美食盛宴,让普通消费者也能经历一次意大利美食探索之旅。












