
  观澜湖集团,总部设于香港,集团***为港区全国政协委员朱鼎健博士。作为中国旅游休闲产业的领航者,很早便倡导在中国内地发展休闲这一全新的朝阳产业。迄今已形成一个的高尔夫和多元旅游休闲产业群。至今,观澜湖集团共在内地投资400亿元。全面崛起的中国,需要休闲产业的一流品牌。早在1994年,观澜湖集团创始人朱树豪博士就在全国政协大会上首倡体育市场化、产业化;2002年,又首倡在中国发展全新的休闲产业,并积极实践,大举投资。从1992年开始,观澜湖集团顺应中国***开放的国际化进程,选择深圳与东莞交界的近20平方公里荒山野岭,发展全球5万多个球会中惟一汇聚五大洲风格、拥有12个国际级球场的观澜湖高尔夫球会以及观澜湖国际旅游度假区,以216洞的规模,打破了关于高尔夫球会规模的“吉尼斯世界纪录”。此外,还兴建了包括51片网球场的亚洲网球中心,四大国际会所,多家休闲酒店,观澜湖新城综合体,大型国际会议中心,SPA养生中心,高尔夫及网球学院,国家网球和高尔夫球运动培训基地,生态休闲游憩园以及丰富的商业、美食、运动休闲设施和国际化的生态高尚住区,形成集运动、赛事、养生、商务、会展、培训、娱乐、居住为一体的观澜湖国际综合休闲旅游度假胜地。深圳观澜湖和东莞观澜湖亦先后荣获全球公认的“绿色奥斯卡”大奖——国际花园小区金奖名,国际高尔夫旅游协会评选颁布的世界高尔夫旅游高荣誉大奖——全球佳高尔夫旅游休闲胜地,中国旅游景区高荣誉——国家5A级旅游景区,首批中国生态旅游示范区。随后,观澜湖集团跨过琼州海峡,将产业的版图延伸到中国的热带宝岛——海南。在海南省海口市的一片火山熔岩石漠地上,成功发展了海口观澜湖度假区。海口观澜湖项目,契合海南国际旅游岛建设的国家战略,兴建集运动、赛事、保健、养生、文化、娱乐、商务、会展、培训、居住为一体的大型休闲产业群,包括10个高尔夫球场,火山岩矿温泉,丽兹卡尔顿、硬石等4家酒店,旅游小镇,兰桂坊时尚街区,以及观澜湖电影公社项目,成为海口旅游休闲的新地标。此外,观澜湖还在云南、重庆、北京投资有观澜湖项目。观澜湖集团在中国投资的每一个项目,不仅是建造的休闲项目,更致力创造的休闲度假品牌,引领国际时尚的生活模式。中国需要的赛事,的经贸、体育、文化交流活动,观澜湖集团先后举办了100多次高尔夫、网球、桌球、自行车等国际赛事及到访活动,APEC预备会议、首届海协会海基会“球叙”比赛、劳伦斯体育大奖、郎朗的华人之声等国际多元交流活动。早在1995年,观澜湖即为中国初次承办了有“高尔夫奥林匹克”之称的高尔夫世界杯比赛;2001年邀请国际泰格?伍兹首访中国;从2007年开始,观澜湖集团取得了连续多届高尔夫世界杯的举办权;从2010年开始,创办了两年一届的观澜湖世界明星赛;从2012年开始,连续两年举办世界女子高尔夫锦标赛。观澜湖成功举办的大型赛事还包括2012年世界高尔夫锦标赛——汇丰冠军赛,2013年泰格?伍兹VS麦克?罗伊的挑战赛。北京申奥万众瞩目,观澜湖集团及其创始人朱树豪博士,全程参与贡献卓著。观澜湖集团还积极支持香港筹备东亚运动会、深圳申办世界大***会、东莞创立国际花园城市。近10多年来,观澜湖集团共创立、支持、参与200项体育、文化、教育的社会和慈善事业,捐助善款超过5亿元,观澜湖集团不仅把宏大的梦想变为现实,更以公益之心与更多的人们分享。想要快速了解更多观澜湖集团的企业文化、职位发展机会及人力资源资讯,请关注观澜湖人力资源官方微信 - 观澜湖·HR微放送(微信号 _58_mhhrwx)。声明:本公司在招聘过程中不收取任何费用。任何向应聘者收取工作介绍费或其他费用的行为均为***行为,请应聘者提高警惕,谨防受骗。如有在招聘网站或其他场所发现招聘信息,所属公司不是本单位或招聘信息的联系方式为私人电话号码的,本公司欢迎您向我们举报/揭发此种违法行为,我们会依法提交司法机构。您可以通过以下方式向我们举报:0755-28011199-36207 (人力资源部招聘组)Mission Hills Groupis headquartered in HongKong、 Dr、 Ken Chu, who currently serves as a National Committee Member of theChinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), is the Chairman andCEO、 As a pioneer in China‘s hospitality, sports and leisure industry, MissionHills Group has expanded its business across the cities of Shenzhen, Dongguanand Haikou and invested a total of 40 billion RMB in Mainland China、Since its founding in 1992, Mission Hills Group hasskilfully leveraged China‘s economic reform、 It selected 20-plus squarekilometers of wasteland between Shenzhen and Dongguan to launch its prestigiousbusiness and create Mission Hills Shenzhen, the world‘s largest golf complexwith 12 courses featuring a total of 216 holes accredited by the Guinness WorldRecords、 Its 12 signature masterpiece courses are designed by golf legends fromaround the globe_58_ Jack Nicklaus, Pete Dye, Greg Norman, Nick Faldo, AnnikaSorenstam, Jose Maria Olazabal, Ernie Els, Vijay Singh, Justin Rose, IanPoulter, David Leadbetter, Jumbo Ozaki and Zhang Lianwei、 It is worth notingthat Mission Hills Shenzhen is the world‘s only club featuring designers fromfive continents、The ’World‘s No、1 Golf Club’ offers awide range of first-rate facilities for golfers and non-golfers alike、 Duringits 22-year existence, it has evolved into a world-class conglomerate of hotelsand resorts; golf and country clubs; international residential communities;award-winning spas; Mission Hills Centreville; golf academy, tennis academy(Asia‘s largest tennis centre with 51 courts), and pro shops to create acomprehensive set of unparalleled, luxury lifestyle experiences、 Mission HillsGroup is regarded as the leading leisure, sports investment and management firmin not only Asia-Pacific, but the world、Mission Hills ? Haikou, in the capital of southern China‘s Hainan Island, opened in March2010、 It cements the brand‘s unique place among the world‘s leading resorts,and is central to a government-led initiative to make tropical Hainan thesports and leisure capital of Asia、 Mission Hills – consistent with its legacyof spurring global investment in China – brings to the island its successfulplatform combining opulence with top-notch sporting and wellness experiences、Conveniently located 15 minutes from Haikou‘sinternational airport, the resort occupies a vast, lava rock-strewn landscapeof undulating terrain punctuated by ancient trees and sweeping wetlands、Highlights include 10 spectacular golf courses; a world-class luxury hotel with538 spacious guest rooms and suites; premium clubhouse; an outdoor water-themepark; a natural mineral springs reserve; 12 delectable dining establishments;state-of-the-art recreation center; flexible function and meeting rooms;shopping arcade centre carrying the world‘s finest brands and esteemed spafacilities; Mission Hills ? Huayi Brothers ? FengXiaogang Movie Themed Town and Mission Hills ? Lan KwaiFong ? Haikou、 Moreover, Mission Hills Group has invested multiple projects inYunnan, Chongqing, and Beijing as well、Devoted to developing golf in China, Mission HillsShenzhen has hosted over 100 major international tournaments、 In 1995, the clubheld the 41st World Cup of Golf、 It was China‘s first globally-significant golfchampionship and broadcasted across the country、 In November 2001, MissionHills invited the world‘s number one golf professional, Tiger Woods, to China、It was his first visit to the country, and helped established a new era of golfdevelopment、 In 2007, Mission Hills signed an unprecedented agreement to host12 consecutive editions of the Omega Mission Hills World Cup、 Mission Hillscontinues its dynamic role at the forefront of China‘s golf boom with thelaunch of the Mission Hills Star Trophy at Mission Hills ? Hainan in late October, 2010、 This is aground-breaking celebrity Pro-Am tournament featuring the biggest names in golfand the largest individual prize purse for golf in Asia Pacific、 In addition,Mission Hills hosted the World Ladies Championship in 2012 and 2013、 Otherrecent high-profile tournaments include the World Golf Championships- HSBCCHAMPIONS 2012 and The Match at Mission Hills in 2013 featuring Tiger Woods andRory McIlroy、Over the past 20 years, Mission Hills Group hasmade great contributions to the sports development in China、 Former ChairmanDr、 David Chu led the special advisory council for the Beijing 2008 OlympicBidding Committee and helped to successfully secure the Games for China inMoscow on July 13, 2001、 Also, Mission Hills was a major sponsor of the 2009East Asian Games in Hong Kong and assisted Shenzhen City in its successful bidto host the 2011 Universiade、 Besides sports, Mission Hills Group has been dedicatingto the development of culture, education, and philanthropy in China and madeover 500 million RMB donation、 Mission Hills Group will continue dedicating togrow the game of golf in china and engage in charity work、










经营范围:高尔夫 , 酒店 , 房地产


