
  本单位创立于2005年,是经国家商务部批准,具有国家一级代理资格的国际性货运代理公司,由交通部审批并持有NVOCC资格,CCA(中国货运联盟)会员; WCA(世界货运联盟)会员;FIATA(国际货运代理协会联合会)会员,并荣获国际协会认可及授予的专业物流机构。海通博远是综合性的国际货运代理公司,致力于为全球客户提供海运、空运、内陆运输等优质服务,同时还为客户提供仓储、***、商检等多种业务代理。自公司成立以来,业务迅猛发展,公司服务网络遍布全中国各主要口岸及内地大中城市,现已延伸到世界五大洲各主要港口和城市,为客户提供全方位的全程物流服务打下了坚实基础。海通博远在成为NVOCC的短短的几年时间里,已与二十余家全球船公司保持着紧密的合作关系,并在世界多个国家拥有自己的代理合作伙伴,有效地提高我们与船公司、我们与客户、船公司与客户之间的链接效率,凭借优质的服务质量赢得了客户的高度信任。海通博远全年进出口集装箱总量约6万TEU。海通博远经多年发展物流网络现已覆盖日韩、欧洲、东南亚、南美、印巴、非洲、中东等优势航线,形成以东南亚及欧洲为中心的物流网络体系,成为联结船、港、货三方的桥梁和纽带的国际货运代理公司。海通博远分支机构遍及上海、山西、山东三个地区,形成了以天津港口为龙头,覆盖中国华东、华北腹地及周边地区的货运网络和运输服务系统,海通博远依靠天津港及周边地区强大的物流资产,并整合港口、陆运、空运、铁路等诸多资源,构建了优质快速的国际物流体系。海通博远依据客户和市场的需求,在完善的海洋运输、船舶代理、货运代理等业务的基础上,对公司内部实现办公自动化,并推出在线查询服务,旨在为客户提供准确的全程货物监控和单证查询,有效的提高双方工作效率。海通博远以客户为中心提供优化的物流方案,大限度降低物流成本,安排紧密的船期,以满足客户大需求。As an international freight agent with national grade-one agency qualification, Tianjin Haitong Boyuan Logistics Co、,Ltd was established under the approval of Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China in 2005, and was qualified as NVOCC upon review and approval of Ministry of Transport、 The Company is also a member of CCA, WCA, and FIATA and is certified as a Professional Logistics Organization by international association、Haitong Boyuan is an international comprehensive freight agent, specialized in providing premium transport services by sea, air and inland for global customers, as well as agency services in warehousing, customs declaration and commodity inspection, etc、 Since its inception, the service network has been, under rapid development, extended to major ports and cities of the five continents on the earth, laying solid foundations for systematic and single-stop logistics services、 Haitong Boyuan has established and maintained close partnerships with around 20 top global ship companies in only a few years since its recognition as NVOCC, and has agency partners in many countries, which greatly enhances the link of Haitong Boyuan with ship companies and customers, as well as links between ship companies and customers、 As a result, we win the trust in the industry with our premium services、Starting out from Tianjin Port, Haitong Boyuan has spread its branches over Shanghai City, Shanxi Province and Shandong Province, and extended its freight network and transport service system across East China, central region of South China and the surrounding regions、 Nowadays, the Company is capable of importing and exporting goods at around 60,000 TEU per year、 Through years of development, Haitong Boyuan has built a logistics network system centralizing on Southeast Asian and European regions, and involving preponderant airlines of Japan, Korea, Europe, Southeast Asia, South America, Indian Subcontinent, Africa and Middle East, etc、 Out of question, Haitong Boyuan is now an international freight agent, functioning as a bridge over and a link with ships, ports and goods、












